Translate text using ChatGPT

Input the text you want to translate, optionally provide custom instructions for the translation and a glossary of special words, and ChatGPT (gpt-4o-mini) will translate it to your language of choice, following your instructions

0/200 characters

Custom instructions

Glossary of special words

Set rules for how words and phrases are translated.

Translated withOpenAI gpt-4o-mini

Use gpt-4o in our extensions for better translations, more languages and more precise adherence to your instructions and glossary.

Need to translate in bulk?

Use GPT for Excel or GPT for Sheets

Need to translate a document?

Use GPT for Word

  • Reliable and fast on thousands of rows
  • Work directly in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel
  • Large choice of models: gpt-4o, claude-3.5-sonnet, gemini-1.5-flash
  • No API key required
  • Preserve lists, tables, rich text formatting
  • Work directly in Microsoft Word
  • Large choice of models: gpt-4o, claude-3.5-sonnet, gemini-1.5-flash
  • No API key required