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[GPT for Word] Installation issues

I can't sign in after installing

Problem: You have installed GPT for Word and you have trouble signing in with Microsoft.

I signed in with the wrong Microsoft account

Problem: You signed in with the wrong Microsoft account while installing GPT for Word and need to switch to the correct one.
Open the sidebar menu and click Log out to sign out, then sign in again with the correct account.

I want to uninstall

Problem: You are not using the add-in in Word or Excel, and you want to uninstall it.
To remove the add-in from Word and Excel, follow the steps described in our uninstallation article.

I can't uninstall GPT for Word

Problem: You want to uninstall the add-in, but the Remove option is not available in the add-in Options menu in the Office Add-ins popup.


Clear the Microsoft Office cache:

  1. Close all Office applications.

  2. Follow Microsoft's instructions for clearing the cache.

  3. Open Word and try removing the add-in again.