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Search the web

Use the Search the web bulk tool to browse the web in real time and get up-to-date answers to your questions. It is the only tool that can access the web. It is built on Perplexity AI's online model.

For example, you can ask questions about events, facts, people, URLs...

  1. Click GPT for Excel Word in the Home tab. If you don't see it, go to Home > Add-ins > My add-ins > GPT for Excel Word.

  2. Click Search the web from the Bulk tools tab.

  3. Configure the Search the web tool to match the data in your sheet:
    1. Write a question.
    2. Select the column your question is About.
    3. Select the column to Put results in.
    4. (Optional) Toggle Show sources in column to display web search sources in a different column. This helps verify information sources.

    5. The image shows how to enter a prompt, select a relevant column for the prompt, and choose a column to put the results in

  4. Note: Using gpt-3.5-turbo models may result in less accurate results. To achieve enhanced accuracy in following instructions, select the gpt-4o model. It is also recommended to write your question in English, as this leads to better results. Learn more.

  5. Select if you want to run a specific number of rows or All rows. Then, click Run rows.

The answers to your question are generated in the selected column. If you enabled the Show sources in column option, the sources for each answer will be displayed in a separate column.