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Insertion settings in GPT for Docs

Use the Insert settings to insert the generated text exactly where you want it, highlight generated text in green, add the prompt to your document.

You have opened a Google document and selected Extensions > GPT for Sheets and Docs > Launch.

Insert at cursor / below selection

When you select Insert at cursor / below selection, GPT for Docs inserts the text at the cursor position if you did not select any text, or below the selected text.

The additional thank you paragraph response appeared below the selection

Insert at [insert] tag

When you select Insert at [insert] tag, GPT for Docs replaces the [insert] tag with the response in your document.

To add a tag, you can:

  • Write [insert] in your document
  • Position the cursor in your document, and click add tag.
The description response replaced the [insert] tag in the document

Insert at the end of the document

When you select Insert at the end of the document, GPT for Docs inserts the response at the end of the document.

The additional thank you paragraph response is inserted at the end of the document

Highlight insertion

When you select Highlight insertion, GPT for Docs highlights the generated response in green in your document.

Click the Clear highlighting button to remove the highlights on previous responses.

Insert prompt in document

When you select Insert prompt in document, GPT for Docs adds the prompt in bold when inserting the response in the document.

The prompt appeared in bold above the additionnal step