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How it works


OpenAI's ChatGPT Plus subscription DOES NOT include use of GPT for Work extensions.

Our self-service pricing option allows you to purchase packs for the amount you need, when you need them. Each pack provides access to all models and features available in GPT for Work.

Available packs

We sell packs of various sizes. Start as low as $29 and buy a bigger pack when you need it.

Pack priceTokens included*
$29Up to 97 million
$79Up to 260 million
$139Up to 460 million
$299Up to 1 billion
$599Up to 2 billion
$999Up to 3.3 billion

* The number of tokens included varies depending on the model used and whether you use your own API key. For example, with the $29 pack, you can get 1.5 million tokens for gpt-4o without an API key, and up to 97 million tokens for gpt-4o-mini with your own API key. Learn more about our pricing per model. You can also use the cost estimator to estimate what your use case will cost.

What is included in a pack?

Packs include immediate access to:

How packs work

To use GPT for Work extensions, you must have a balance greater than 0*. After consuming your free trial balance, you'll need to buy a GPT for Work pack to increase your balance and continue using the service.

What you need to know about GPT for Work packs:

  • Balance consumption: Your balance gets consumed more or less quickly depending on the model you use and whether you're using your own API key (see our model price list for details):
    • Without your own API key: Your balance covers both GPT for Work service cost and the model provider's API cost.
    • With your own API key: Your balance only covers GPT for Work service cost. You pay the model provider directly for the API cost.
  • Expiration: Packs expire one year after the purchase date, and each pack has its own separate expiration date. You can buy more packs at any time to increase your balance.
  • Cross-platform usage:
    • Packs bought for Microsoft Excel can be used on Microsoft Word, and vice versa.
    • Google Sheets packs are separate and can only be used with Google Sheets.
  • Balance transfer: To transfer balance between Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel/Word, contact our support team.

* Exception: GPT for Docs is free to use but requires an API key. (Tokens are paid directly to the AI provider)

How can I top up my balance?

You can top up your balance and avoid any interruption in service by buying another pack at any time. This increases your balance immediately but doesn't extend the expiration date of your existing packs. Packs are consumed in order of their expiration date, with the pack closest to expiring being used first.

Can I share a pack with my team?

Please contact support and detail which account will be buying and the list of users.

Model price list

Find the latest model price list for all paid extensions below.

Without an API key

The table below shows the pricing for each model family without an API key (including the model provider's API cost).

ProviderModel familyCostPer
OpenAIgpt-3.5-turbo$2.501M tokens
OpenAIgpt-4o$20.001M tokens
OpenAIgpt-4o-mini$0.901M tokens
OpenAIgpt-4-turbo$35.001M tokens
OpenAIgpt-4$65.001M tokens
OpenAItext-embedding-ada-002 (GPT_MATCH)$0.251M tokens
Googlegemini-1.5-flash$2.501M tokens
Anthropicclaude-3.5-sonnet$20.001M tokens
Perplexityllama-3.1-sonar-small-128k-online (GPT_WEB, web browsing bulk tool)$15.001K executions

With an API key

The table below shows the pricing for each family of models or assistants available with an API key (excluding OpenAI API cost which you pay directly to OpenAI).

ProviderModel or assistantCostPer
OpenAIgpt-3.5-turbo$11M tokens
OpenAIgpt-4-turbo$51M tokens
OpenAIgpt-4$51M tokens
OpenAIgpt-4o$51M tokens
OpenAIgpt-4o-mini$0.31M tokens
OpenAIassistantsVaries*1M tokens
OpenAItext-embedding-ada-002 (GPT_MATCH)$0.11M tokens

* Assistants pricing is based on the underlying model of the assistant used in GPT for Sheets or GPT for Excel. For example, assistants using gpt-4o cost $5 per million tokens, while those using gpt-4o-mini cost $0.3 per million tokens.

  • Anthropic models claude-3-haiku, claude-3-opus, claude-3-5-sonnet are free to use with an API key, with API costs paid directly to Anthropic.

  • Google models gemini-1.5-flash and gemini-1.5-pro are available for GPT for Sheets only, and are currently free to use, excluding API costs which are paid directly to Google.

  • Mistral AI model mistral-large is available for GPT for Sheets only, and is currently free to use, excluding API costs which are paid directly to Mistral AI.

  • Models run locally with Ollama are supported for GPT for Excel and GPT for Word, and are currently free to use.

Price evolution

Find below the changes in pricing for all GPT for Work extensions and all models, along with the specific dates on which these changes occurred.

Septembre 10th, 2024 for Excel and Word

Ollama models are now supported by GPT for Excel and Word.

August 29th, 2024 for Excel and Word

Anthropic Claude 3 models are now available for GPT for Excel and Word:

  • With an API key: Free to use (API costs paid directly to Anthropic)
  • Without an API key: claude-3.5-sonnet available at $20 per 1M tokens

August 7th, 2024 for Excel

GPT for Excel now supports OpenAI Assistants. The pricing is based on the underlying model of the assistant. For example, assistants using gpt-4o cost $5 per million tokens, while those using gpt-4o-mini cost $0.3 per million tokens.

August 2nd, 2024 for Sheets

Anthropic's claude-3.5-sonnet model is now available without an API key at $20 per 1M tokens, with an input size limit of 200K tokens.

July 31st, 2024 for Sheets

Assistants pricing is now based on the underlying model of the assistant, instead of a fixed $5 per million tokens. For example:

  • Assistants using gpt-4o: $5 per million tokens
  • Assistants using gpt-4o-mini: $0.3 per million tokens

July 24th, 2024 for Excel, and Sheets

  • Without an API key: text-embedding-ada-002 (GPT_MATCH) costs $0.25 per 1M tokens, instead of $2.5 previously.
  • With an API key: text-embedding-ada-002 (GPT_MATCH) costs $0.1 per 1M tokens, instead of $1 previously.

June 27th, 2024 for Sheets

GPT for Sheets now supports OpenAI Assistants, at a cost of $5 per 1M tokens, with an API key.

May 15th, 2024 for Excel, Word, and Sheets

OpenAI gpt-4o model is now available for $20 per 1M tokens without an API key, and $5 per 1M tokens with an API key.

April 4th, 2024 for Excel, Word, and Sheets

GPT for Excel and Word prices have dropped for all models:

  • Without an API key (including OpenAI and Azure API cost):

    • gpt-3.5 turbo models cost $2.5 per 1M tokens, instead of $25 previously
    • gpt-4-turbo models cost $35 per 1M tokens, instead of $55 previously
    • gpt-4 models cost $65 per 1M tokens, instead of $85 previously
    • text-embedding-ada-002 costs $2.5 for 1M tokens, instead of $25 previously
    • Perplexity model costs $15 per 1K executions, instead of $50 previously
  • With an API key (excluding OpenAI API cost which you pay directly to OpenAI):

    • gpt-3.5 turbo models cost $1 per 1M tokens, instead of $15 previously
    • gpt-4 and gpt-4-turbo models cost $5 per 1M tokens, instead of $15 previously
    • text-embedding-ada-002 costs $1 per 1M tokens, instead of $15 previously

GPT for Sheets prices have been simplified:

  • The cost of input and output tokens is now identical.

  • Without an API key (including OpenAI and Azure API cost):

    • gpt-3.5 turbo models cost $2.5 per 1M tokens, instead of $6.00 per 1M input tokens and $8.00 per 1M output tokens for Azure models and $2.00 per 1M input tokens and $6.00 per output tokens for OpenAI models
    • gpt-4-turbo models cost $35 per 1M tokens, instead of $40.00 per 1M input tokens and $120.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-4 models cost $65 per 1M tokens, instead of $120.00 per 1M input tokens and $240.00 per 1M output tokens for Azure models
    • text-embedding-ada-002 costs $2.5 per 1M tokens, instead of $0.40 per 1M input tokens
    • Perplexity model costs $15 per 1K executions, instead of $50 previously
  • With an API key (excluding OpenAI API cost which you pay directly to OpenAI):

    • gpt-3.5 turbo models cost $1 per 1M tokens, instead of $1.50 per 1M input tokens and $2.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-4 models cost $5 per 1M tokens, instead of $30.00 per 1M input tokens and $60.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-4-turbo models cost $5 per 1M tokens, instead of $10.00 per 1M input tokens and $30.00 per 1M output tokens
    • text-embedding-ada-002 costs $1 per 1M tokens, instead of $0.40 for 1M input tokens

March 13th, 2024 for GPT for Excel and Word

  • The cost of input and output tokens is now identical.
  • Without an API key (including OpenAI and Azure API cost):
    • gpt-3.5-turbo models now cost $25 per 1M tokens, instead of $6.00 per 1M input tokens and $8.00 per 1M output tokens for Azure models and $2.00 per 1M input tokens and $6.00 per output tokens for OpenAI models
    • gpt-4 models now cost $85 per 1M tokens, instead of $120.00 per 1M input tokens and $240.00 per 1M output tokens for Azure models
    • gpt-4-turbo models now cost $55 per 1M tokens, instead of $40.00 per 1M input tokens and $120.00 per 1M output tokens
    • text-embedding-ada-002 now costs $25 per 1M tokens, instead of $0.40 per 1M input tokens
  • With an API key, the pricing is the same across all models at $15 per 1M tokens (OpenAI API cost is not included as you pay it directly to OpenAI through your API key).

These prices only apply to packs bought after March 13th, 2024. Packs bought on GPT for Excel before March 13th, 2024 continue to be consumed at the prices that were listed when they were bought.

Until March 13th, 2024 for GPT for Excel and Sheets

  • Without an API key (including OpenAI and Azure API cost):

    • gpt-3.5-turbo Azure models cost $6.00 per 1M input tokens and $8.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-4 Azure models cost $120.00 per 1M input tokens and $240.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-4-turbo models cost $40.00 per 1M input tokens and $120.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-3.5-turbo OpenAI models cost $2.00 per 1M input tokens and $6.00 per output tokens
    • text-embedding-ada-002 (with GPT_MATCH) costs $0.40 for 1M input tokens
  • With an API key (excluding OpenAI API cost which you pay directly to OpenAI):

    • gpt-3.5-turbo models cost $1.50 per 1M input tokens and $2.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-4-turbo models cost $10.00 per 1M input tokens and $30.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-4 models cost $30.00 per 1M input tokens and $60.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-4-1106-vision-preview (with GPT_VISION) costs $10.00 per 1M input tokens and $30.00 per 1M output tokens
    • text-embedding-ada-002 (with GPT_MATCH) costs $0.10 for 1M input tokens.
    • gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct models cost $1.50 per 1M input tokens and $2.00 per 1M output tokens
    • gpt-3.5-turbo (fine-tuned) models cost $3.00 per 1M input tokens and $6.00 per 1M output tokens
    • babbage-002 (fine-tuned) models cost $1.60 per 1M input tokens and $1.60 per 1M output tokens
    • davinci-002 (fine-tuned) models cost $12.00 per 1M input tokens and $12.00 per 1M output tokens